es el resultado de avanzadas investigaciones científicas.
contiene una combinación única de ingredientes naturales de la más alta calidad.
Activa el mecanismo de defensa natural del cuerpo humano y consolida la respuesta natural inmunológica del organismo. Ayuda a reducir el nivel del colesterol en la sangre y tiene un efecto beneficioso en el sistema cardiovascular.
Vitamina C
Es un antioxidante importante, limpiador de las enzimas radicales que causan lesiones hepáticas. La vitamina C es también importante para las reacciones enzimáticas, refuerza los vasos sanguíneos y contribuye a la absorción del hierro.
Vitamina B1, B6
Es parte de una coenzima usada en el metabolismo energético, especialmente en el aparato digestivo (dehidrogenación del alcohol) que metaboliza el alcohol, ayuda al sistema nervioso y digestivo.
Proporcionan la energía esencial para el cerebro, las células de sangre y los músculos. Ayuda al cuerpo a digerir el alcohol y lo procesa más eficientemente.
Extracto AK™
Compuesto por: Sambucus Nigra, Cymbopogon Citratus, y β-Glucan.
contiene componentes 100% naturales. No contiene cafeína, taurina ni conservantes.
está aprobado por la Oficina de Salud Pública de Eslovaquia, EU. Nº BPOVO/1613/2005/TRS.
De acuerdo con la Jurisprudencia de la Corte de Justicia Europea esta aprobación es valida para todos los países miembros de la Unión Europea. Este producto no diagnostica, trata, cura o previene enfermedades.
En pocas palabras si te tomas esta bebida despues de una gran nohe de fiesta con alcohol te disminuye la resaca y baja los niveles de alcohol de la sangre, entonces la considero una bebida muy bunea que todos debemos tener en cuenta cada fin de semana!
(tomala en cuanto termines de beber alcohol)
Alcohol Killer is a drink that promises to have Replenishing natural components that help with the reduction of blood alcohol hangover I even decreases. ALCOHOL KILLER ®
is the result of advanced scientific research.
contains a unique combination of natural ingredients of the highest quality.
Active natural defense mechanism of the human body and strengthens the natural immune response of the organism. It helps reduce cholesterol levels in blood and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
Vitamin C
It is an important antioxidant, enzyme cleaner radicals that cause liver damage. Vitamin C is also important for enzymatic reactions, strengthens blood vessels and helps iron absorption.
Vitamin B1, B6
It is part of a coenzyme used in energy metabolism, especially in the digestive tract (dehidrogenación of alcohol) that metabolizes alcohol, helps the nervous and digestive system.
They provide essential energy for the brain, blood cells and muscles. It helps the body digest alcohol and processes more efficiently.
Extract AK ™
Composed by: Sambucus Nigra, Cymbopogon citratus, and β-glucan.
contains 100% natural ingredients. It contains caffeine, taurine or preservatives.
is approved by the Office of Public Health, Slovakia, EU. No. BPOVO/1613/2005/TRS.
According to the jurisprudence of the European Court approval is valid for all member countries of the European Union. This product does not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
contains a unique combination of natural ingredients of the highest quality.
Active natural defense mechanism of the human body and strengthens the natural immune response of the organism. It helps reduce cholesterol levels in blood and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
Vitamin C
It is an important antioxidant, enzyme cleaner radicals that cause liver damage. Vitamin C is also important for enzymatic reactions, strengthens blood vessels and helps iron absorption.
Vitamin B1, B6
It is part of a coenzyme used in energy metabolism, especially in the digestive tract (dehidrogenación of alcohol) that metabolizes alcohol, helps the nervous and digestive system.
They provide essential energy for the brain, blood cells and muscles. It helps the body digest alcohol and processes more efficiently.
Extract AK ™
Composed by: Sambucus Nigra, Cymbopogon citratus, and β-glucan.
contains 100% natural ingredients. It contains caffeine, taurine or preservatives.
is approved by the Office of Public Health, Slovakia, EU. No. BPOVO/1613/2005/TRS.
According to the jurisprudence of the European Court approval is valid for all member countries of the European Union. This product does not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Then if you take this drink after a great party with alcohol nohe lowers you hangover and lowers levels of blood alcohol, then drink very good, think we should all take into account every weekend!
(take it in as you finish drinking)
(take it in as you finish drinking)
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